
08 December 2012

Hello, my name isn't "sexy", "doll", or "babe"..

In everyday life, women face different forms of harassment from males, either by just starring at them, commenting on their look, or calling them names, and sometimes by trying or actually touching parts of their bodies.
They say we have to blame the woman who's harassed for wearing some closes defined as explicit or wearing extra makeup. Some say that women should take it easy and accept "the compliments" given to her claiming that if a man got those "compliments" from random stranger females it would be his happy day.

Pay attention men, I want to clarify some points:

  1. Clothes and makeup are not even a decent reason to justify being harassed, or girls with decent clothes would have been saved. For example, in my country Egypt and many other Muslim countries, we have women wearing Hijab and others wearing Purdah but they are still being harassed. You can't see a single piece of skin from a woman who wears Purdah you know..
  2. A human being is free to wear whatever they want and it's not anybody's business if a woman went out totally naked.
  3. Being harassed is totally annoying and not cute, and sure ain't getting anybody laid or even get a chance to know the chick's first name. It's totally stupid to think that all women are sluts that will open up for any stranger that gives them "a compliment". As a female, I want to walk down the streets at anytime wearing what I want very confident and not afraid that a jerk will try to harass me in any way.
Gender based harassment impact at least from 80 to 90 percent of women in the world, especially when they are young and alone in public places. Yeah, it's a global issue with all men. That happen in all communities, however cultural background, religions, education, and prosperity the society has; as if all men agreed that it's their right to do so as many were brought up thinking that women are just sexual beings made for their pleasure.

The blame all the blame is on the harasser, either a female or male, but not the victim of harassment; but I'm not defending  male victims as the society already takes his side when this happen due to racism or classicism  or any other reason. But when it comes to female victims, it's a totally different story as I said. Is the society always taking men's side??

"While the prevalence of street harassment may be new to many men who read or hear about it, it’s not to women. For generations, grandmothers, mothers, aunts, and older sisters have shared tips and advice to girls to try to keep them safe from men: Don’t go out alone after dark. Memorize a fake phone number. Carry mace. Dress conservatively. Ignore them." As Holly Kearl mentioned in her article in The Christian Science Monitor.

Holly continues:
"But it’s time to go beyond that well-intentioned advice which makes women feel less safe and often doesn't work. Given how widespread street harassment is, those tips have the effect of limiting women’s access to public spaces. It keeps them on guard, off the streets, and dependent on men as escorts. No country has achieved equality and no country will until women can navigate public places without experiencing or fearing street harassment.
In short, street harassment must end.

Yeah! harassment should end, all human beings should be free to do what they want, go where they want, and be who they want without others interfering, commenting, or doing any counter act. Harassment is bullying based on gender by a so-called dominant gender on a so-called weaker gender...

I think to stop street harassment there should be some things to teach the harassers, the victims, and the society.

First for the harassers: They should learn that it's rude and uncool to harass a woman, she's not a property to control her and she's not created only for your pleasure. As men are allowed to do whatever they want without anybody commenting on them, women are also allowed to do so. The harasser should experience what a woman go through when she feels insecure and afraid to live her life properly because of those monsters out there. Kids should learn that both genders are equal on many levels and each should respect each other as humans. The whole sexiest thing against women should just stop.

You may wonder what a victim should learn to stop harassment. Well enough with the shit of wear socially accepted clothes! wear what you want and what defines you women. However, you should learn a few things:
  1. You're not weak, fight for yourself, show them your claws and fangs.
  2. Don't be afraid to kick the bastard's **** whenever you needed to, don't worry if it hurt him.
  3. It's not your fault the world is full with jerks, you're the victim not the guilty.
  4. You're more than just a body, you have a character, a soul, and a mind of your own.
  5. Be confident, and don't hesitate in reporting your incident to the police whenever it happens, it's your right to punish the jerk.
For the society, most men and sadly many women think that "it's her fault", "take it easy it's no big deal", "don't ruin the dude's future by dragging him to the police just for harassing you", and most importantly "Men will always act like that". That sicks me! Societies should change the way they stand with men and against women in many things like this situation.

Some men may read the past sentence and say "what does women want more? they take most of our jobs, they are allowed to do many things we can't, and they can stay at home while we should work to support them! they have more than their rights.", well no dears, most women are oppressed, controlled, and brain washed by social norms and men in their lives. Try to be a woman for one day and you will know what I mean. Their minds are ruined enough to stand against their own kind side to side with the harasser.

The way kids are brought up defining a woman and a man the way they are defined is totally ruined! The way men are taught about women ans women about themselves should change. Society has to accept women as humans, they are natural being that have all the rights to live normal lives, just like men.

I'm not a men hater, I'm not anything other than a female who knows well the suffering that comes from harassment. All I ask for is some respect for me the rest of kind. We are more than just looks and bodies, we are souls and brains as well.

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